Conference Presentations
Vandenitte, S. Fake it until you Construct it: Recurring Enactment Forms as Potential (Multimodal) Constructions in LSFB and Belgian French (Linguistic Society of Belgium’s Linguists’ Day 2024, University of Mons, 11 October 2024)
Vandenitte, S., Puupponen, A., Hernández, D., & Jantunen, T. Comparing Manual Kinematics of Showing and Telling: Harnessing the combined power of corpus work and motion capture (International Congress of Linguists, Adam Mickiewicz University, 11 September 2024)
Vandenitte, S. Comparing Multimodal Enactment in LSFB and Belgian French: A corpus-based study of enacting articulators and degrees of constructed action (International Congress of Linguists, Adam Mickiewicz University, 10 September 2024)
Vandenitte, S. Integrating Multimodal Depiction into (Cross-)Linguistic Research: A Corpus-based Comparison of Enactment in LSFB and Belgian French (57th Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Helsinki, 21 August 2024)
Vandenitte, S. & Jantunen, T. A Hands-on Approach to Manual Kinematics of Showing: Characterising Hand Movements across Different Degrees of Constructed Action (14th Iconicity in Language and Literature Conference, Università di Catania, 30 May 2024)
Vandenitte, S., Puupponen, A., Hernández, D., Ferrara, L., & Jantunen, T. Casting a Wider Net: Considering Different Factors Shaping Constructed Action Using a Cross-Disciplinary Approach (14th Iconicity in Language and Literature Conference, Università di Catania, 30 May 2024)
Vandenitte, S. Having a look at direct quotations in LSFB and Belgian French: insights from a multimodal and cross-linguistic perspective (Workshop: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Quoting and Speech Reporting, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 7 October 2022)
Vandenitte, S., Lepeut, A., Lombart, C. & Meurant, L. New Tools on Hand to Compare Signed and Spoken Languages: Building a Directly Comparable Multimodal Corpus of LSFB and French (International Society for Gesture Studies Conference, University of Chicago, 14 July 2022)
Meurant, L., Lepeut, A., Lombart, C., & Vandenitte, S. Comparable Corpora of Spoken and Signed Languages: Towards a Pluri-semiotic Perspective on Language (9th International Conference on Grammar and Corpora, University of Ghent, 30 June 2022)
Vandenitte, S. Using the body to quote across languages and modalities: a comparative study on enactment in utterance reports in LSFB and Belgian French (54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1 September 2021)
Vandenitte, S. Montrer et faire entendre les référents: vers une étude comparative de l’action construite des signeurs de la LSFB et des locuteurs du français de Belgique (Making Referents Seen and Heard: Towards a Comparative Study of LSFB Signers’ and Belgian French-Speakers’ Constructed Action Practices) (Langues et discours 2021 – La reference: (co-) construction et exploitation, Université Grenoble-Alpes, 26 March 2021)
Vandenitte, S. Construire l’action pour rendre les référents visibles en LSFB: Une étude pilote des mouvements corporels dépictifs (Using Constructed Action to Show Referents in LSFB: A Pilot Study of Depictive Body Movements) (Linguistic Society of Belgium’s 2020 Linguists’ Day, University of Namur, 16 October 2020)
Vandenitte, S. Une approche pragmatique du transfert personnel en langues des signes: La construction du discours et de l’action à visée illustrative (A Pragmatic Approach to Personal Transfer in Signed Languages: The Construction of Discourse and Action with an Illustrative Intent) (Linguistic Society of Belgium’s 2018 Linguists’ Day, University of Liège, 25 May 2018)
Vandenitte, S., Puupponen, A., Hernández, D., & Jantunen, T. Comparing the Kinematics of Plain Telling and Constructed Dialogue in Signed Discourse: A Motion-Capture Study of FinSL Narratives (TISLR [Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research] 2025, University of Addis Ababa, 14 January 2025)
[Link to poster]
Vandenitte, S., Puupponen, A., Wainio, T., & Jantunen, T. One and the same or two of a kind ? Comparing constructed action in FinSL and LSFB narratives (SignCAFE [Cognitive and Functional Approaches to Sign Language Linguistics] 2, Università degli Studi di Catania, 14 October 2022)
[Link to the poster]
Vandenitte, S. (Re-)constructing words and gestures in Belgian French: A multimodal look at utterance reports in the FRAPé Corpus (International Society of Gesture Studies Conference, University of Chicago, 13 July 2022)
[Link to the poster]
Vandenitte, S. Setting Stories in Motion: Investigating the Kinematics of Finnish Sign Language Narratives with Motion Capture (Nordic Speech Forum online seminar, 11 November 2024)
Vandenitte, S. Comparing constructed action across (signing and speaking) communities: Broadening the sample but also our conceptual toolbox (A workshop on/under construction: Annotating and operationalizing enactment and constructed action, KULeuven, Antwerpen, 19 March 2023)
Vandenitte, S. Montrer l’autre qui signe: l’expression d’attitude langagières par l’action construite (Showing the signing ‘other’: expressing language attitudes through constructed action) (UNamur-Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles Seminar on signed languages and deaf cultures, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 29 April 2022)
Vandenitte, S. Pourquoi cet air si (peu) sérieux ? Comparer l’utilisation dépictive des expressions faciales en LSFB et en français de Belgique (Why so (non-)serious? Comparing the depictive use of facial expression in LSFB and Belgian French) (NaLTT conference cycle, University of Namur, 19 April 2022)
Vandenitte, S. Revisiting constructed action through different semiotic repertoires: Insights from comparisons across signed and spoken languages (University of Jyväskylä’s Course on the grammars of signed languages, 5 April 2022)
Vandenitte, S. De la documentation linguistique bilingue à quelques applications: Focus sur la dépiction/l’action construite en LSFB et en français (From bilingual linguistic documentation to some applications: Focus on depiction/enactment in LSFB and French) – invited presentation (UCLouvain - Louvain School of Translation and Interpreting, 27 November 2021)
Vandenitte, S. Exploring constructed action in LSFB and Belgian French: Exploring the LSFB and FRAPé corpora (Corpus Linguistics Summer School, University of Birmingham, 7 July 2021)
Vandenitte, S. Comment expliquer les différences entre signeurs de la LSFB et locuteurs du français belge? Regards croisés entre langue et culture: Le cas de l’action construite (How can differences between LSFB signers and Belgian French speakers be explained? Overlapping prisms of language and culture: the case of enactment) (UNamur-Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles Seminar on signed languages and deaf cultures, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 17 December 2020)
Vandenitte, S. Comparaison des pratiques d’action construite des signeurs de la LSFB et du français belge: quelles contributions de l’iconicité au contenu propositionnel? (Comparing Constructed Action Practices of LSFB signers and of Belgian French Speakers: Which Contributions of Iconicity to Propositional Content?) (Research Day on Signed Languages, Université du Québec à Montréal, 16 December 2019)
Meurant, L., Fonzé, S., Lepeut, A., Vandenitte, S., & Heylens, A. And in Namur, what counts as one annotation? (EURASIGN Workshop: Comparative Approaches on European Sign Languages, Universiteit Gent, 21 November 2019)