Lepeut, A., Lombart, C., Vandenitte, S. & Meurant, L. (upcoming). Make it a Double: The Building and Use of the LSFB and FRAPé Corpora to Study and Compare French Belgian Sign Language and Belgian French. In T. Leuschner, A., Vajnovszki, G. Delaby & J. Barðdal (Eds.), How to Do Things with Corpora: Methodological Issues and Case Studies on Grammar.
Lepeut, A., Lombart, C., Vandenitte, S., & Meurant, L. (2024). Spoken and signed languages hand in hand: parallel and directly comparable corpora of French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB) and French. Corpora, 19(2), 241-253.
[Published article][Accepted manuscript]
Vandenitte, S. (2024). Making Referents Seen and Heard: Comparing constructed action practices in LSFB (French Belgian Sign Language) and Belgian French [Doctoral dissertation].
[Thesis manuscript]
Vandenitte, S. (2023). When referents are seen and heard: A comparative study of constructed action in the discourse of LSFB (French Belgian Sign Language) signers and Belgian French speakers. In L. Gardelle, L. Vincent-Durroux, & H. Vinckel-Roisin (Eds.), Studies in Language Companion Series: From conventions to pragmatics (pp. 127 - 149). (Studies in Language Companion Series; Vol. 228).
[Published chapter][Accepted manuscript]
Vandenitte, S. (2022). Making referents seen and heard across signed and spoken languages: Documenting and interpreting cross-modal differences in the use of enactment. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 784339.
[Open access published article]
Vandenitte, S. (2022). Showing where you stand: The depictive potential of the lexical sign LS in LSFB conversations about language attitudes. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 36(1), 46-72.
[Published article][Accepted manuscript]
Vandenitte, S. (2021). Construire l’action pour rendre les référents visibles en LSFB: Une étude pilote des mouvements corporels dépictifs. In S. Vandenitte, A. Lepeut, & L. Meurant (Eds.), Travaux du Cercle belge de linguistique (Vol. 15).
[Open access online article]
Vandenitte, S., Lepeut, A., & Meurant, L. (Eds.). (2021).Travaux du Cercle belge de linguistique (Vol. 15).
[Open access online volume]
Vandenitte, S. (2019). Une approche pragmatique du transfert personnel en langues des signes: La construction du discours et de l’action à visée illustrative. In C. Béchet, L. Brems, & M. Steffens (Eds.), Travaux du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Vol. 13).
[Open access online article]